
Why & how does someone become important to us?

I often think about this.

This man, this married man who I’ve fallen for; why does he invade my mind so aggressively?

The first night I met him he was singing in a bar.

His voice tinged with a strong, gritty accent caught my attention immediately.

We chatted a while but I was in company that night so we went our separate ways..

A while later I saw him with a brunette they were frolicking at the bar; kissing, touching & no doubt that night they ended up in bed together.

This memory still troubles me; it cements the fear in my mind that he is a womaniser, a lover of the ladies, of sex and all things passionate.

I would see him each night at the bar; before heading home he gave me his contact details for Facebook and we became ‘friends’ on social media.

It was via this connection that we had our first virtual sexual experience.

Just words typed on a page and yet I hadn’t felt so sexually aroused in a long time.

He had me hooked.

He had me, all of me from the moment I heard him sing in that bar.

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