My New Daddy.

He is wonderful.

We’ve known each other for about 3 months now and it just keeps getting better. 

I told him a few weeks in before we’d had any penetrative sex that I was a submissive; he took on the role of Daddy perfectly!

The day after I told him he messaged to say he wanted to play a game of edging…

A new experience for me and it was 10 days of pleasurable agony! 

I’m back!

Hello all,

I’ve been gone a while so my apologies but I’m back with a new exciting chapter!

So ‘Daddy’ is still about but we haven’t had a session since February. We message occasionally but I think I just fell out of love with him. The sex was great but the love & nurturing wasn’t available on his behalf.

He has his own family, whom he must look after. I wanted to be number 1 but it would’ve never had been possible.

I have a new Daddy & I couldn’t be happier; he’s so good to me. 

The morning after the night before.

New Years Day 2015.

My mind is cloudy from last nights indulgence of drugs and alcohol.

I check my phone squinting… Eyes heavy and mouth dry. “Please, please don’t have messaged him” I repeat silently to myself.

I check my phone…

YES! I didn’t message him! Fantastic news!

I managed to refrain from messaging him in my intoxicated state.

A win to me.

I may finally be learning.

Tick, tock.

I messaged him tonight whilst drunk.

Why do I always feel the need to message him when I’ve been on the vino?!

Anyway; my message read:

“I wish you could just be with me”

Why did I say that?! Why would I tell this man with a wife & a baby that I want to be with him!!!

His response was just what I thought It would be:

“You know that’s not possible; I’ll fuck you senseless whenever we get the chance but that’s all it is [my name]… Sex.”

I wished him a happy New Year & he proceeded to ask when I was next going to see him.

I answered:

“I’ve got to go; speak soon”

This is a MAJOR positive step for me!!

I would normally do anything to keep the conversation flowing even if it was 2am!!

I feel good about this; I feel like for once I have control of my feelings about him.

I choose not to give anymore time to this man.


How could you sleep with another woman’s man?

How could you chance breaking up a family?

How could you betray a fellow female in such a way?

Don’t you have any compassion?

Do you lack self esteem, dignity?

Where’s your conscience?

These are the questions I read daily, asked by the cheated wife to the other woman. Theoretically of course through blogs, diary entries, biographies, in newspaper columns, magazines, in movies, on TV….

Why do people automatically assume the other woman is a whore, a man-eater, a home wrecker?

How about the husband who was just as liable for the affair; the man who happily fucked someone other than his wife? What about him? Doesn’t he deserve to face shame the same way that the other woman does?

He chose to embark on a second relationship, he wasn’t forced or blackmailed.

He wanted the affair, he wanted to be physically connected to someone other than his wife.

An affair takes two willing people; not just one.